Being angry is a normal, natural human emotion. Our responses can vary from mild, to feelings of uncontrollable rage, these play out as shouting, breaking things, abusive behaviour, and violence. It is these responses and the methods we have of expression that can cause problems.
It can be triggered by situations, people, feelings of being humiliated or wronged, responses to pain. Being angry is ok, it does not need to be suppressed but it needs to be managed and controlled. Melbourne anger management Counselling can help you recognise and understand the triggers to your anger and help manage physical and emotional responses to it.
Signs Of Anger Issues
- Has your anger caused problems in relationships, or at work?
- Have you ever been angry and regretted it later?
- Do you sometimes have difficulty controlling you temper?
- Have you ever become violent or abusive when you’ve been angry?
- Has someone commented to you about your anger?

Warning Signs Of Anger
- Losing your patience
- Feeling overwhelmed & irritated
- Feeling humiliated & embarrassed
- Feeling resentful
- Muscles tightening around the face, jaw, and arms
- Surging hot flushes, face flushing
- Elevated heart rate, sweating or breathing
- An urge to scream or physically lash out.
Self-care strategies
- Understand your anger and your emotions related to it
- Identify and recognise the triggers
- Remove yourself from the situation or person
- Concentrate on your breath, take 5 deeps conscious breaths, and allow it to slow naturally
- Stop before saying or doing anything.
- Don’t engage in negative self-talk such as “I’II get him for that”, “how dare he say that to me”. Calming statements help such as “its ok I won’t let this get to me”
- Release the tension in your body by exercising, walking, stretching
- Use a distraction and shift the focus, speak to a friend, listen to calming music
Recognising the moments, warning signs and things in your life that get you angry, is a big step towards anger management. By taking anger management Counselling Control techniques and emotional responses can be learned, and when they are implemented (through practice, roleplay or in real situations) they are strengthened and reinforced.

Contact us to book a 15 minute introductory call to see if our counselling services can help you achieve the outcome you desire.