Grief & Loss Counselling Melbourne

loss and grief counselling

Grief is the term used to describe our reactions to a loss, that include thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and physical symptoms. Although loss is a common human experience, grief can be complex, confusing, and multi-faceted, and completely different to other people’s experience. 

We normally associate grief and loss with a death of a loved one or someone close, however it is presented in many other types of losses.

Types of loss

man sitting against a brick wall reading a book
Grief Symptoms

Grief symptoms

Self-care strategies for grief and loss

These reactions to loss are quite normal and natural, and in most cases a necessary part of the grieving process.  Counselling can help you understand that grief is not a problem that needs to be solved, but a human experience that requires support, validation, acceptance, and recognition. Our Melbourne grief and loss counsellors are here to support you during your most challenging times, helping you navigate through grief or loss.

Self-Care Strategies

Contact us to book a 15 minute introductory call to see if our counselling services can help you achieve the outcome you desire.

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