

Meditation plays an important part in my life.  The practice of sitting or lying in stillness and quiet, allows me to connect with myself on a deep, intimate, nurturing level.  This self-connection supports my values as a human – creating space for clarity, curiosity, self-love, acceptance, stimulation, mystery, discovery, self-kindness, and the opportunity for insight, growth, healing, and wisdom.  Meditation reminds me of the bigger picture in life, in my life. Practising meditation is the foundation of my mental health and well-being.  

I studied meditation and mindfulness at the Australian Centre for Meditation & Mindfulness, under the astute guidance of Tim James (Meditation Life) & Lisa Forde (President of Meditation Australia).

I am a nationally recognised and accredited meditation facilitator and teacher.  I am employed by the ACMM, as a mentor and coach to students – a role that enriches my life.

Guided Meditations

Meditation and mindfulness strongly align and complement the therapy style I practice.  It is a skill and technique that I teach to support the human journey of acceptance, experience, connection & fulfillment. There is no greater tool in therapy than awareness.

I offer guided meditations as therapy and for clients to experience a deep level of peace and self-connection, allowing for inner wisdom to flow. There are so many different techniques to explore in meditation.  These sessions are designed for everyone, regardless of your meditation experience.

Here is what you can expect from a guided meditation session –

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Benefits & Reasons For Meditation

Meditation is such a deep personal practice. The experience of holding whatever arises with softness and ease, without expectations and judgement, can reveal insights that may not be available otherwise.  

Here are some of the reasons people meditate and the benefits they receive

10 Psychological & Physical Facts About Meditation That Can Improve Your Quality Of Life

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It's up to each person to determine if meditation is right for them at the given time for their circumstances. If you're currently seeking support for mental health concerns, please check with your physician if meditation and mindfulness is appropriate for you before commencing.

Contact us to book a 15 minute introductory call to see if our counselling services can help you achieve the outcome you desire.

Make An Enquiry