Managing stress sounds like a difficult thing to do. It gives stress a lot of credit, a lot of power. It allows stress to become the priority in the human experience. It takes the focus away from the necessary and important emotions and feelings that arise when stress or the…
Anxiety is one of the most common presenting issues at Mindful Health Counselling. While it may not be the cause of all the problems people encounter in life, it is almost always mentioned in a negative light as an addition or reaction to the problem. It is not surprising, as…
It is common to experience feelings of anxiety and depression. These mental health issues can be debilitating and impact the way we live. There are many coping mechanisms and techniques that can help in dealing with anxiety and depression, and one powerful strategy is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of…
“I just want to be happy.” Don’t we all. This is a common and valid response from most people when they present to counselling and are asked about their therapy goals or desired outcomes. Emotional goals are a good place to start as they lead to discussion about values and motivation for…